English for Business

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Course Description

This course aims at upper-intermediate students and employees from diverse backgrounds. This is a comprehensive course covering the traditional four language skills; listening, speaking, reading and writing, while focusing on business-related topics. The course ensures that the learner is immersed into the workings of business language by analyzing, and developing conceptual understanding of various topics of interest in today’s world.

Course Objectives

  • Enriching business vocabulary and improving the learner’s word usage.
  • Developing listening skills in the fields of business and economics.
  • Developing three faculties of self-expression: lucidity, brevity, and accuracy.
  • Understanding context and developing elaborate arguments accordingly.
  • Developing understanding and feeling for connotation and denotation of words through textual analysis and discussions.
  • Realizing the importance of sentence structure and meaning.
  • Gaining working knowledge of commonly used collocations in business situations.

    Teaching Philosophy:

    The teaching method is mainly Task-Based Learning (TBL). Learners are encouraged to listen actively, analyze the given texts, and demonstrate their understanding and position on business and economics concepts.  Role plays and presentations are also considered to enable the learner to experiment with the language they are perfecting. Moreover, learners are given assignments to work on outside the classroom and they will be given thorough feedback (written as well as verbal) during the lesson. Class discussions aim at raising the learner’s awareness of the business language in 21st century.

    North Star Management Consultancy delivers the Spoken English Course over 16 sessions of 2.5 hours each (A total of 40 Hours).

    Course Plan

    • Management (8 hrs)
      • 1 – 3: Management (1), Managing across Cultures (4) (3 hrs)
      • 4– 5: Work and Motivation (2) (2 hrs)
      • 6 – 8: Company Structure+ autobiographical text (3), Recruitment (5) + CV writing (3 hrs)
    • Production (Units 7– 10) (7 hrs)
      • 9-11: Different Sectors of Economy, Production (3 hrs)
      • 12-13: Quality (2 hrs)
      • 14-15: Logistics (2 hrs)
    • Marketing (Units 11 – 13) (6 hrs)
      • 16-17: Products (2 hrs)
      • 18-19: Marketing (2 hrs)
      • 20-21: Advertising (2 hrs)
    • Finance (Units 14– 20): (10 hrs)
      • 22-23: Banking (2 hrs)
      • 24-25: Venture capital (2 hrs)
      • 26-27: Stocks and shares (2 hrs)
      • 28-29: Accounting and financial statements (2 hrs)
      • 30-31: Market structure and competitions (2 hrs)
    • Economics (Units 22-28) (9 hrs)
      • 31- 32: Government and Taxation (2 hrs)
      • 33-34: The business cycle (2 hr)
      • 35: Corporate social responsibility (1 hr)
      • 36: Exchange rates (1 hr)
      • 37-38: International trade (2 hrs)
      • 39-40: Economics and ecology (1 hr)

    Distribution of Marks:

    Attendance 16   Degrees
    Class Participation 50   Degrees
    Assignments 34   Degrees
    Total 100 Degrees


    • No more than 12 Participants are allowed in the same Class.
    • Participation Grades are based on attention and contribution to class discussions.
    • Absences from class will negatively affect your grade, since being absent for more than 3 sessions out of the 16 Sessions that compose the course will disqualify you from obtaining Attendance Certificate.
    • Passing percentage for the … is 70%, and the first in the group will receive another Certificate of High Achievement in addition to the Attendance Certificate.