Certified HR Auditor Course Schedule

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Course Description

HR Audit is a vital means of avoiding legal and regulatory liability that may arise from an organization’s HR policies, procedures, and practices. It involves organization’s strategic actions to take an intensely objective look at its HR policies, procedures and practices. This type of comprehensive review of the company’s current state can help identify whether specific areas practice or processes are adequate, legal and effective. The results obtained from this review can help identify gaps in HR practices, and HR can then prioritize these gaps in an effort to minimize lawsuits and regulatory violations, achieve and maintain world-class competitiveness in key HR practice areas.

Course Objectives

CHRA Program is designed to assist your organization focus its attention on its HR Management practices, policies, procedures, processes, and outcomes by providing you with a structured and systematic series of questions about key compliance, risk management, internal auditing, and HR Management issues. it answers the question: Is the HR Function Fit to Purpose by:


  • Ensuring compliance of the company’s working with the governing laws
  • Helping the HR Department understand how to improve itself
  • Reviewing and the proper resource allocation for human resources
  • Being an act of “due diligence” for potential investors and stakeholders of a company
  • A basis for improvements in the future.

Teaching Philosophy:

The teaching philosophy is based on Lectures designed for HR Audit process domain, with extensive practical applications, team-based activities. Role plays and individual & team exercises are also incorporated extensively in the program.


North Star Management Consultancy delivers the Certified HR Auditor Course over 3 sessions of 8 hours each (A total of 24 Hours).

Course Plan

• The Program; consists of Four main parts that explains in detail the process of HR Audit, through Three Consecutive days, as follows:


•Day One Discusses:
  • Defining the HR Function, Its Roles, Responsibilities, HR Models, & evolution.
  • Defining and Evolution of the Audit Concept, Methodologies of HR Audit, HR Audit Team, HR CSF, Risk Management & Governance.
  • The (11) HR Primer Categories, and their definitions adjusting the categories to meet your situation.
  • General overview of the Four HR Audit Steps.
  • Step One: Information Gathering: Participants will answer a series of questions regarding HR in his Organization, these questions have been divided into sixteen categories and a summary area. This step includes a procedure for adjusting these categories to reflect the unique requirements and structure of the Organization.
•Day Two Discusses:
  • Step Two: Evaluation: Provides a scoring system for your answers to the questions in step one, it is not a scoring system designed for any one Company, Industry, or Geography area. As with first step, there are instructions for adjusting it to meet your specific situation.
Day Three Discusses:
  • Step Three & Four: Analysis & Action Planning:
  • Analysis: Provides a way to compare your evaluation in each category and for the overall function. The result is the identification of your Dept’s strengths, weaknesses and those areas that needs improvement through specific & detailed information.
  • Action Planning: Is designed to provide a structure for you to convert the analysis into specific actions that can be taken to capitalize on your department’s strengths and make the needed corrections.

Distribution of Marks:

Attendance 24 points
Class Participation 40 points
3 Assignments 36 points
Total 100 points


  • No more than 14 Participants are allowed in the same Class.
  • Participation Grades are based on attention and contribution to class discussions.
  • Absences from class will negatively affect your grade, since being absent for more than 1 sessions out of the 3 Sessions that compose the course will disqualify you from obtaining Attendance Certificate.
  • Passing percentage for the Certified HR Auditor Course Schedule is 70%, and the first in the group will receive another Certificate of High Achievement in addition to the Attendance Certificate.

Course Fees: K.D 250